I was just so close to find myself feelin' comfortable to this city again, well endless thanks to my 'family' here for being all kinds of awesome, I love you guys. Unfortunately this exceptionally fine dream just hit me out of nowhere, I trust it is molded by my subconscious. This dream it's just super fine that when I woke up I feel so much emptiness in me thus it leads me to feeling blue :( Now I know how Mal from Inception feels when she woke up after 50 years of awesome dreaming, no wonder she wanted to go back to her dream again, as reality is not enough for her. Anyway in order to cheer myself up, I feel like snapping some random pictures in my room. I know it's quite an odd act but I don't care, it's quite fun too actually, you might want to try it for yourself if you doubt it. Anyway don't you just adore the furry pink monster case? it's lovely isn' it? :3
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